Sunday 11th November – Remembrance Sunday
Huddersfield Town HallHade Edge Band will be involved in two events to commemorate the above Sunday and also 100 years since the end of WW1. The band will be heading the procession WHICH THIS YEAR WILL TAKE PLACE IN GREENHEAD PARK FROM THE LOWER GATES UP TO THE MEMORIAL WHERE A SERVICE WILL TAKE PLACE (1030AM) AND […]
Leicester Contest
LeicesterThis event takes place on Sunday 18th November. All day event
Holmfirth Christmas Lights Switch -On. Saturday 24th November
Our B Band players will be leading the procession and the Carols as Holmfirth Switch on their Christmas lights from 4pm on Saturday 24th November. Come along and enjoy the evenings events
Switiching on the Christmas Lights – Sunday 2nd December
Once again a group of players have been asked to switch on the Christmas Lights at the Clothiers Arms Netherthong on Sunday 2nd December at 6pm Come along and enjoy the event
Scholes Chapel
Scholes ChapelHade Edge B Band will be playing Carols at the above event which takes place at Scholes Chapel on Friday 7th December at 6:30pm. All welcome
Concert with Horbury Singers
Hade Edge Band will be performing as guests of Horbury Singers on Friday 7th December in Sth. Ossett Church. 7pm start This is the second year running where the band have been asked to play at the Singers Christmas Concert, TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH HORBURY SINGERS CHOIR.
The band will be busking once again at Meadowhall Shopping Centre Sheffield on Saturday 8th December from 10am Please come along and say "hello"
Harewood House – Sunday 9th December
A small group of Hade Edge Band players will be entertaining the visitors to Christmas at Harewood House on Sunday 9th December from 1pm to 4pm